Monday, 7 May 2007

Community Tank - day 5

Not the best shot showing the 2 caves. I made these a couple of years ago for the Cichlid tank from broken slate stuck together with silicon. Each cave is about 6 inches square and covered with gravel so just the entrance is shown (I may still play around with their positioning). I also semi buried two stacks of slate to try and make the caves more natural looking.

Then it was off to my LFS (Local fish Shop) and a look at their plants. I purchased a selection of front, middle and back plants and just roughly dropped them in the tank, I'll spend the next week moving them around until I find a layout I like then I'll remove the padding in the baskets and bury them with gravel (until the next time I decide to move them). The 'main' plant is an Anubis Nana and Java Fern rooted onto some bogwood

Since I've not tested the water in any of my tanks for over 2 years I didn't trust my kits so took a sample of water along with me and was glad to see that the tank was still mature so no need to cycle it again. With that news I got 5 Cardinal Tetras and 5 Glo-Light Tetras, will post some piccies when they are out of the bag (am finding it difficult to find decent pics of the fish on the web and although blowing my own trumpet am sure I'll be posting better than I could find). If they do well over the next week I'll start stocking up with them over the coming weeks.


talj said...

You? Blowing your own trumpet? Surely not! :-P So, this is where I get to learn all about fishes and 'stuff'...if I don't get my doggie then maybe I'll settle for a few fish one day ;o)

Look forward to seeing pics of the ickle tetras when you work out how to use your camera ;o) tanking? ;o)

RUTH said...
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CG said...

Good luck with the new fish, ecce, I've always wanted to see your aquarium so i'll be following its progess with interest! (Julie)

Jeanette said...

Hi Ecce Just popped over from Ruths Will be watching the fish tank with interest, we had a tropical tank many moons ago. ill pop back soon

RUTH said...

looking forward to seeing the pics of the fish; a bit awkward to get a fish to stay still and say "cheese"! You're teaching me now about underwater gardening.

Anonymous said...

I LONG to have an aquarium. Had tropical freshwaters as a kid (well my parents did) so picked up the basics through them then ...

About 3 years ago I set up a tank at a friend's house where I was staying, it was beautiful but somehow, when I was not there (in hospital) something went wrong with the water (??) and all the fish died ...

I have a query for you: I had an aquatic frog. It was very dark green, nearly black and tiny. Less than 1/2 an inch long fully grown. It's not the frogs I've brought up on my google searches (which had a prominent white belly) this one I'm sure was dark coloured all over. And seriously tiny. Do you happen to know what the name of this frog is? I'm in the UK and all the local (London) fish shops had the same type of frogs ...

This is a beautiful blog you've got here. Found you via Ruth's where I got a plug also. You must come see my wonderful video blog as well!!

All the best to you




Ecce said...

Thanks for the comments peeps and especially to Ruth for sending peeps my way :)

Had a quick look at your blog Gledwood - you have too much time on your hands lol.

Might have been a sub/species of Hymenochirus? (***** African Dwarf Frog)